Last night, I finally got to sleep at around 12:50 a.m. I know this because I wear a Fitbit, which approximates all my sleep cycles. It shows that I went into a short “deep sleep” around 2 a.m., which went from deep, to light to a dream state, to waking up.
Why am I writing about this?
Because it shows progression. I remember hearing a distinct. deep — the deepest voice I’ve ever heard — pronouncing the words, “Let us pray.” We proceeded to pray the “Our Father” together.
And, then I woke up.
In my heart of hearts, I was afraid. I looked around the room for someone. No one was there. But, I feared that I was not alone. I cannot tell you why I was afraid, probably because it was a frighteningly deep voice, one that I did not recognize, one that was deeper than any voice I have ever heard.
Could it be that God has a deep voice? Could it be that this voice was from God, out of the depths of my soul? I will probably never know the answer to this, but I felt compelled to write about this dream/incident before it slips into the sphere of memories lost forever.