Always and everywhere…

God answers my prayers.

It continually amazes me how insignificant I am, and why God always hears me, sees me and responds to my needs. Even, and especially the ones I don’t verbalize or better yet — realize. Does that ever happen to you? Please leave a comment below, if it does. I’d like to know about it — and you.

I attended the Latin Mass again, yesterday. Not simply because I have been chased away from the church in my hometown, but this time because I was “drawn” to the power of the sermon of the resident priest.

Father Bartholomew celebrated his last Mass in Ocala, on Sunday, and his sermon was more of a farewell than a homily. It didn’t surprise me that he would do this because he’s been driving to Ocala from Sarasota, for the past six years to celebrate Mass. It was what he said and how he said it that surprised me. He humbled himself from the pulpit, something that priests never do, or at least I’ve never seen it.

Father Bartholomew asked the congregation for forgiveness. He said if he has ever hurt any of us, please know that he was truly sorry. It’s all the audio (below) if you’re interested in listening. I cried all the way through, not because Father Bartholomew ever hurt me — because he didn’t. I cried for myself, and how he talked about when it’s worse if a priest sins over his flock than if the laity does it. In case you don’t already know, my pastor has hurt me terribly. And, I could personally relate to what Father Bartholomew was saying.

Here is his sermon. Give a listen. I’m sure you’ll be moved to tears…

“Nothing, nothing is as sad as sin. Nothing. And, especially the sin in a priest.” Father Bartholomew .