Today is/was Sunday, and back to the Latin Mass I go. (I went, yesterday because in reality, it’s 12:07 a.m., so it’s technically Monday now. But yes. I drove to Ocala, an hour’s drive, to hear the Lord speak to me in Latin.
And, God did not disappoint! During Communion, I prayed the good prayer, an honest and open plea for God to speak to me. And this is what He said.
“Set out into the deep!“
Luke, 5:4
I heard it loud and clear — it sort of goes along with a recent voice that said to me, “Teach my children.” I looked up the meaning of the phrase, “Set out into the deep,” on Google, and it basically said that we are to “Evangelize.” According to the Website, Catholic Reflections, we are to make it our mission. Here’s the exact quote:
“This passage is not only about the physical miracle of catching fish; rather, it’s much more about the mission of evangelizing souls and accomplishing the mission of God. And the symbolism of putting out into the deep water tells us that we must be all in and fully committed if we are to evangelize and spread the Word of God as we are called to do. When we listen to God and act on His word, committing ourselves to His will in a radical and deep way, He will produce an abundant catch of souls. This “catch” will come in an unexpected way at an unexpected time and will clearly be the work of God.”
On the way home, I made a quick stop at the adoration chapel in Gainesville, where I asked the Lord exactly what he wanted of me. I thought it meant something entirely different. I thought it meant to literally set out into the deep, where others dare not go. Maybe it’s the same thing. I do not know. Time will tell.
Until next time. Peace!