I love intelligent people … people who can think for themselves and transcend the moment, and space. It’s equivalent to cyberspace and the passage of ideas from one Website to another. Time has a way of healing all wounds. And, it burdens me not, when the world spins on it’s heels and offers up a word or two and takes us to a different cyberuniverse, like Mojave_Wolf did, when he figured out I’ve created a new blog site, separate and apart from livejournal.com.
Nice going, Mojave! I can’t even tell you who he, or she, is because I haven’t figured that out yet. I guess I’ll just have to refer to him, or her, as they. So, they saw I had created a new blog (here) and read it, from smarieack.livejournal.com. Then, they responded to my comment on their blog and indicated they read my blog by quoting one of my titles from here. How cool is that?
I have another cyberspace friend, who I met on Facebook more than ten years ago — Christina. She made me a quilt for my birthday this year. Can you believe it? I still can’t get over that. Christina also read and commented on one of my entries with an exclamation point! lol Thanks, Christina.
I have a priest, who is my spiritual adviser. I just found out that he friended my pastor (who hurt me badly) and I’m waiting to speak to him about it. My friend, Jane, cautioned me to confront him about this action, since he’s supposedly advising me spiritually. I’m still waiting for him to confirm me as a friend on Facebook.
“Time, takes time,” I guess. Beware the people who will betray you.
The Jerusalem Bible says, “Fight to the death for the truth, and the Lord God will war on your side.” Ecclestasticus 4:28 I’m here to say the truth is still the truth. Of course, no one in their right mind would take that as a duel, like in the old westerns, where they kill each other. We don’t kill people. We fight til we die if necessary, for the truth. Not the other way. Only an emotionally sick person would interpret that to a whole new level of feuding.
God knows the truth. And, He will always “war” on the side of truth, love, justice and mercy.
Until next time. Peace!